Nature proves that strong growth requires some hard work! Chicks work hard to hatch from a shell..seeds, catipillars...tree buds...all the same That's exactly how I've felt this winter as we have been hatching ideas and reworking the shop space and training fantastic, long needed help. Not only here but in the platforms we currently use such as Etsy and Wix there have been huge changes which equal good healthy growth!
At times I have struggled to keep up with the new shipping changes on etsy or the great customer support functions wix in coming out with... but with every effort to learn comes more potential to connect, create and learn more about our customers needs and how to support the community we are building across all social media. So, thank you to those who are watching us grow and cheering us on. We are in our 7th year and I feel like we are just getting started. There is so much to be grateful for. Join us on Facebook, Instagram and check out the as well. Welcome to Maidinthewoods...🍃💗🍃
